La revue JEOL NEWS, publiée chaque année, présente les dernières applications en biologie, sciences des matériaux, géologie, chimie et dans d’autres domaines. Elle met en lumière les travaux de chercheurs et de scientifiques qui utilisent les équipements JEOL de microscopie électronique, spectrométrie de masse, résonance magnétique nucléaire, résonance paramagnétique électronique, spectrométrie X…
JEOL NEWS, June 2024, Vol. 59, N°1
• Cryo-Electron Ptychography: Applications in the Characterisation of Biological Samples
• Current Status and Future Development of In-situ Liquid Cell Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Broad Ar Ion Beam Milling Improves EBSD Analysis of Phyllosilicates
• Complete Classification, Separation, and Accurate Analysis of Fragment Ions Produced by Electron Ionization of Methyl Stearate using a High-Performance Mass Spectrometer GC/MS JMS-T2000GC and Quantum Chemical Calculations
• Observation of Radicals in Clathrate Hydrates and Silica Clathrates
• Microstructure Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen in Nitrocarburized Carbon Steel Using EPMA Scatter Diagram Method
• Crystal Structure Elucidation of Small Organic Molecules: Combined Approach of 3D Electron Diffraction and Solid-State NMR
• Operando Observation Using an In-situ Gas Reaction System Connected to a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and a Mass Spectrometer (MS)
• Development of JBX-A9, Electron Beam Lithography System
• Introduction of JEOL Products: Electron Microscope JEM-120i
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, June 2024, Vol. 59, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2023, Vol. 58, N°1
• Revealing the Latent Atomic World through Data-Driven Microscopy
• Imaging Zeolite Architecture by Hight Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy: When Physical and Chemical Etching Meet
• Low-Dose Atomic-Resolution Observation of Beam-Sensitive Materials via OBF STEM
• Advanced Analytical Methods for the Evaluations of Olefin Polymerization Catalysts and Produced Polymers
• A Practical Method for the Measurement of 183W NMR Signals in Solution: Challenge to Multinuclear Solution NMR
• Introduction of Various Application Examples Obtained by Multi-Purpose TEM (JEM-F200) with Various Attachments
• TEM Sample Preparation using JIB-PS500i and Multi-Purpose FIB-SEM
• msFineANalysis AI Novel Qualitative Analysis Software for JMS-T2000GC with AI Structural Analysis
• He-less Light Element Analysis using a Low-Vacuum Liquid Sample Capsule by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2023, Vol. 58, N°1
JEOL NEWS, June 2022, Vol. 57, N°1
• Degradation of CuPd Nanoparticles upon Redox Cycling Shown by In situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in the JEOL NEOARM
• Accurate Quantification of Qn Species Distributions in Modified Silicate Glass by Phase Adjusted Spinning Sideband NMR Experiment
• Electron Cryomicroscopy: Recent Progress and Future Perspective for Structural Life Sciences
• Chemical-State Analysis of Li Compounds and Nitrogen-Getter Material for Liquid Li by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
• Observation and Analysis of Micro-Textures in Mineral Samples with an Aberration Corrected STEM
• New Semi-in-lens SEM JSM-IT800 et Excellent for Semiconductor Device Observation
• Automated TEM Iamella Preparation with JIB-4700F
• Spectrum Imaging for Secondary Electrons and Backscattered Electrons Using Band Pass Filter with Variable Energy Resolution
• Developing an Electron-Beam Metal 3D Printer JAM-5200EBM
• Gas Chromatograph – Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer, JMS-Q1600GC UltraQuad™ SQ-Zeta
• Introduction to JEOL Products: NMR Spectrometers – JNM-ECZL series (ECZ Luminous)
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, June 2022, Vol. 57, N°1
JEOL NEWS, June 2021, Vol. 56, N°1
• Progress in Photonic Crystal Lasers and Their Application to LiDAR
• And Yet It Moves: Molecular Rotors and Motors Studied by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
• Dioxins Analysis with New GC-MS/MS System and Software « TQ-DioK »
• Characterization of Localized Physical Properties Using High Resolution EELS
• In-Resin CLEM of Epon-Embedded Cells Using Fluorescent Proteins
• Degradation Analysis for Polymer Materials by Spin-Trapping
• High-Speed Electron Beam Modulation System Using Electrostatic Deflection and Laser Delivery System to the Specimen in Transmission Electron Microscopy
• The New Detection System of High-End FE-SEM JSM-IT800 Super Hybrid Lens (SHL)
• Preparation of TEM Specimens Having Specific Crystal Orientations Using FIB-SEM and EBSD ~ Applications to Allende meteorite ~
• Chemical Bonding State Analysis of Boron and Phosphorus Compounds by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy and Electronic Structure Calculations
• Chemical State Analysis of Fe in the Matrix of the Allende Meteorite Using an FEG EPMA and SXES
• MultiAnalyzer – Unknown Compounds Analysis System. New Gas Chromatograph Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer JMS-T2000GC « AccuTOF™ GC-Alpha »
• Introduction to JEOL Products: Field Emission Cryo-Electron Microscope JEM-3300 CRYO ARMTM 300 II
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, June 2021, Vol. 56, N°1
JEOL NEWS, June 2020, Vol. 55, N°1
• Atomically Resolved Electric Field and Charge Density Imaging via 4D STEM
• Phase-Modulated S-RESPDOR at Ultra-Fast MAS to Measure Accurate 1H-14N Distances
• Electrostatic Potential Imaging of Organic Materials using Differential Phase Contrast Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Visualization of Biological Structures by Ultra High-Voltage Electron Cryo-Microscopy
• Observation of Phase Objects using STEM – Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) Microscopy
• Chemical State Analysis of Light Elements in Nuclear Fission and Fusion Reactor Materials by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy in Electron Probe Microanalyzer
• Practical Workflow of CLEM – Trace of climbing fiber in cerebellar cortex of mouse
• Development of JEM-ARM300F2: an Aberration Corrected 300 kV Microscope Capable of Both Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution Imaging and Highly Sensitive Analysis over a Wide Range of Acceleration Voltage
• Various Analyses of Fine Structures using Multipurpose High Throughput Analytical FE-SEM: JSM-IT800
• Introduction of Newly Developed Electron Probe Micro Analyzers
• High-Sensitivity, High-Throughput Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Foods by JMS-TQ4000GC Combined with Large-Volume Injection Technique and Fast-GC Method
• Mass Spectrometry Imaging using the JMS-S3000 “SpiralTOFTM-plus” Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
• Introduction of JEOL Products: Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope JEM-ARM300F2 GRAND ARMTM 2
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, June 2020, Vol. 55, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2019, Vol. 54, N°1
• Atomic-Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy on Materials of Various Dimensions by Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Probe Corrected STEM Structural Imaging and Chemical Analysis of Materials at Atomic Resolution
• Analytical SEM and TEM: Applications in Product-related Material Development
• Practical Solutions in Electron Beam Lithography with the JBX-9500FS and the JBX-6300FS
• Development of New Operando Measurement System by Combining Reaction-Science High-Voltage Electron Microscopy and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
• Development of Low-Voltage TEM/STEM for Single Carbon Atom Analysis under the 3C Project
• High-Field DNP Using Closed-Cycle Helium MAS System
• Application of « operando-ESR » to Organic Electronics Materials
• YOKOGUSHI (Multifaceted) Analysis of Biomimetic Materials by Using PyGC/MS and XPS ‒ Characterization of Biomimetic Lacquer
• Development of Cryo High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope CRYO ARM™ 300, Equipped with Cold Field Emission Gun for Structural Biology
• Observation and Analysis at Low Accelerating Voltage Using Ultra High Resolution FE-SEM JSM-7900F
• Development of an Integrated Analysis Method for the JMS-T200GC High Mass-Resolution GC-TOFMS by Electron Ionization and Soft Ionization Methods
• Development of a Gas Chromatograph Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer JMS-TQ4000GC
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2019, Vol. 54, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2018, Vol. 53, N°1
• Fast Pixelated Detectors: A New Era for STEM
• Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy of La2CuO4-based Superconducting Interfaces at the Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy
• Technical Development of Electron Cryomicroscopy and Contributions to Life Sciences
• Electronic State Analysis by Monochromated STEM-EELS
• Chemical State Analyses by Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
• X-ray, Electron and NMR Crystallography to Structural Determination of Small Organic Molecules
• Structural Analysis of Semiconductor Devices by Using STEM/EDS Tomography
• Comparison of 3D Imaging Methods in Electron Microscopy for Biomaterials
• Biomarker Analysis in Petroleum Samples Using GC×GC-HRTOFMS with an Ion Source Combining Electron Ionization (EI) and Photo Ionization (PI)
• Development of the JBX-8100FS Electron Beam Lithography System
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2018, Vol. 53, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2017, Vol. 52, N°1
• Revealing the Atomic Structure of Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional Defects by Aberration Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Quantitative STEM-EELS Characterizations of Oxide Superlattices and Atomic-Scale Electron Spectroscopy at 100 K at National Taiwan University
• High Spatial Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope: Evaluation and Structural Analysis of Nanostructured Materials
• A Top-Down Drawing of the World’s Smallest National Flag by JBX-6300FS Electron Beam Lithography System
• High Temporal Resolution Analysis of Materials Nanoprocess by Materials – and Bio- Science Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscope at Osaka University
• A Quantitative Analytical Method « Effective Magnetic Moment Method » Based on Both Curie-Weiss Law and ESR Fundamental Equation
• Introduction of a Next-Generation 200 kV Cryo TEM
• Development of Pixelated STEM Detector « 4DCanvas »
• Development of a New Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer JXA-8530FPlus
• JMS-MT3010HRGA INFITOF, a High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (TOF-MS) for Gas Monitoring Analysis
• The Development of the ROYAL HFX Probe
• Latest Technologies of Electron-Beam Vacuum Deposition Used for Film Formation
• New-Generation Analyzer BioMajesty™ Zero Series, JCA-ZS050, and Its Contribution to Clinical Analysis
• Introduction of New Products: Atomic Resolution Analytical Electron Microscope NEOARM JEM-ARM200F
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2017, Vol. 52, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2016, Vol. 51, N°1
• Atomic Resolution Microscopy of Intermetallic Clathrates
• Probing the Atomic-Scale Structure of Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Batteries by Aberration-Corrected Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Microscopic Analyses of Deformation Structures around Fatigue Crack Tips
• Rapid Screening and Quantification of Synthetic Cannabinoids with DART-MS and NMR Spectroscopy
• Nanostructured Surface Phonon Polariton Systems for Mid-Infrared Nanophotonics
• Visualization of Invisible Defects in Semiconductor Devices
• Development of Cryo-Coil MAS Probe for Multinuclear Measurement
• Development of JEM-F200(F2) Multi-Purpose Electron Microscope
• Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Biological Tissues by Serial Block Face-SEM
• Depth Profile Measurement with JPS-9030
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2016, Vol. 51, N°1
JEOL NEWS, September 2015, Vol. 50, N°1
• Lorentz TEM Study on Magnetic Skyrmions and Their Dynamics
• Quantitative ADF STEM for Catalyst Nanoparticle Metrology
• Application of Atomic-Resolution Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy to the Study of Structures of Decagonal Quasicrystals
• Dressing Living Organisms in the NanoSuit® for FE-SEM Observation
• Serial Block Face Scanning Electron Microscopy Using the JEOL JSM-7100F with Gatan 3View 2XP at King’s College London – UK
• Detailed Structural Characterization of Polymers by MALDI-TOFMS with a Spiral Ion Trajectory
• 13C and 1H Solid-state NMR of Proteins and Other Systems under Ultra-Fast MAS at 80-100 kHz and Beyond
• Development of Super-High Sensitivity EDS System for GRAND ARM (JEM-ARM300F)
• Newly Developed Soft X-ray Emission Spectrometer, SS-94000SXES
• Additional Ar-Ion Etching of FIB-Prepared TEM Samples using Ion Slicer
• New Gas Chromatography/ High Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer JMS-T200GC “AccuTOF GCx”
• Introduction of JEOL Products: Next Generation Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer JES-X3 Series
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, September 2015, Vol. 50, N°1
JEOL NEWS, September 2014, Vol. 49, N°1
• Development of Aberration Corrected Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) STEM
• Atomic-Resolution Characterization Using the Aberration-Corrected JEOL JEM-ARM200CF at the University of Illinois – Chicago
• Quantitative Characterization of Magnetic Materials Based on Electron Magnetic Circular Dichroism with Nanometric Resolution Using the JEM-1000K RS Ultra-High Voltage STEM
• Photonic Crystal Lasers
• Electron Microprobe Study of the Yinxu (Anyang) Bronze of Academia Sinica Collection
• Elucidation of Deterioration Mechanism for Organic Solar Cells – Toward Highly Efficient Solar Cells
• Super High Resolution Imaging with Atomic Resolution Electron Microscope of JEM-ARM300F
• Advanced Analysis of Active Materials in Li-Ion Battery by XPS and AES
• Characteristic Features and Applications of a Newly Developed Wavelength Dispersive Soft X-ray Emission Spectrometer for Electron Probe X-ray Microanalyzers and Scanning Electron Microscopes
• Analysis of Organic Thin Films by the Laser Desorption/Ionization Method Using the JMS-S3000 “SpiralTOF”
• Ultra-Low-Temperature-Probes (UltraCOOL™ probe / SuperCOOL™ probe)
• New Series of NMR Spectrometers JNM-ECZ
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, September 2014, Vol. 49, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2013, Vol. 48, N°1
• Innovation in Structural Interpretation of Al-TM (Transition-metal) Decagonal Quasicrystals By Cs-corrected STEM
• Structural Analysis of Nanoparticles Using Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Novel Structural Characterisations of Insulating and Electron Beam Sensitive Materials Employing Low Voltage High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy
• Effects of l-menthol on the Thermotropic Characteristics of Intercellular Lipid in the Hairless Rat Stratum Corneum Evaluated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Electron Spin Resonance
• Introduction of New Products : Electron Microscope JEM-1400 plus, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope JSM-7610F, Linked Optical & Scanning electron microscope system mixcroscopy
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2013, Vol. 48, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2012, Vol. 47, N°1
• High Resolution Imaging and Spectroscopy Using CS-corrected TEM with Cold FEG JEM-ARM200F
• Strain Measurement by Dark Field Electron Holography with Dual Lens Operation
• Adapting a JEM-2100F for Magnetic Imaging by Lorentz TEM
• A New WDS Spectrometer for Valence Electron Spectroscopy Based on Electron Microscopy
• Electron Microscopic Study and X-ray Probe Microanalysis of the Liver of LEC Rat, an Animal Model of Wilson Disease
• Electron Microprobe Study of Otolith: Migratory Behavior and Habitat of Three Major Temperate Species of Eels
• Realization of an Innovative Metrological Traceability Using the Quantitative NMR Method
• Introduction of New Products: Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope JSM-7100F, Benchtop SEM JCM-6000, High Performance GC-TOF MS JMS-T100GCV Accu TOF GCv 4G
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2012, Vol. 47, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2011, Vol. 46, N°1
• Study of Nanoparticles at UTSA: One Year of Using the First JEOL-ARM200F Installed in the USA
• Exploring Biological Samples in 3D Beyond Classic Electron Tomography
• Application of Scanning Electron Microscope to Dislocation Imaging in Steel
• Atmospheric Scanning Electron Microscopy (ASEM) Realizes Direct EM-OM Linkage in Solution: Aqueous Immuno-Cytochemistry
• Information Derived from PGSE-NMR – Ion Diffusion Behavior, Molecular Association, Molecular Weight / Composition Correlation of Synthetic Polymers
• Development of JEM-2800 High Throughput Electron Microscope
• Introduction of New Product: High Throughput Electron Microscope JEM-2800, Thermal Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope JSM-7800F
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2011, Vol. 46, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2010, Vol. 45, N°1
• Lithium Atom Microscopy at Sub-50pm Resolution by R005
• Atomic-Resolution Elemental Mapping by EELS and XEDS in Aberration Corrected STEM
• Application of a Helium-Cooled Cryo-Electron Microscope for Single Particle Analysis
• Ultrahigh-Resolution STEM Analysis of Complex Compounds
• Development and Applications of a Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy for High-resolution Imaging in Liquids
• JEM-2100: Applications in Nanotechnology
• Development of JMS-S3000: MALDI-TOF/TOF Utilizing a Spiral Ion Trajectory
• Rapid Characterization of Bacteria Using ClairScope™ and SpiralTOF™
• Micro Area Analysis with JXA-8530F (FE-EPMA)
• Analysis of Insulator Samples with AES
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2010, Vol. 45, N°1
JEOL NEWS, June 2009, Vol. 44, N°1
• Exit Wavefunction Reconstruction
• Single Shot Nanosecond Imaging in the Dynamic TEM
• An Appraisal of High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy Applied To Porous Materials
• Observation of Membrane Proteins Through An Electron Beam
• HR-TEM of Carbon Networks – Towards Individual C-C Bond Imaging
• Studies on Natural Antioxidant Derivatives: Enhanced Radical-Scavenging and Reduced Prooxidant Activities
• Development of Nanoimprint Mold Using JBX-9300FS
• Introduction of New Products: Atomic Resolution Analytical Microscope JEM-ARM200F, Field Emission Electron Probe Microanalyzer JXA-8530F, Gas Chromatograph Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer JMS-T100GCV, Scanning Probe Microscope JSPM-5410
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, June 2009, Vol. 44, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2008, Vol. 43, N°1
• Interface Studies by Cs-Corrected STEM
• Field Emission AES Characterization of Corrosion Products Formed on Copper in Chloride Containing Solutions
• Characterization of Coherent Precipitates in Mg-RE(-Zn) (RE: Gd, Y) Alloys by the Combination of HRTEM and HAADF-STEM
• Quantitative Electron Microscopy Using Digital Data Processing
• Case Study on Failure Analysis by Electron Beam Absorbed Current Method
• Featured Article from Recipient of the Ernst Ruska Award 2007: Recent Advances in Transmission Electron Microtomography for Materials Research
• Featured Article of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy: ESR Study of the Fundamentals of Radical Polymerizations
• Characteristic Features of JIB-4500 MultiBeam System
• High Power Electron Beam Source Used for Melting Metal Materials
• Introduction of New Products: MultiBeam System JIB-4600F, Electron Probe Microanalyzer JXA-8230, High Performance Scanning Electron Microscope – User Friendly SEM – JSM-6610 Series/JSM-6510 Series, Thermal FE SEM JSM-7600F, MultiBeam System JIB-4500
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2008, Vol. 43, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2007, Vol. 42, N°1
• Characterization of the JEM-2100F-LM TEM for Electron Holography and Magnetic Imaging
• Improvement of Reflection Electron Microscopy: LODREM
• Where Are the Atoms in Quasicrystals? – direct imaging by aberration-corrected STEM
• A New High-Temperature Multinuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Probe for Structure, Dynamics, and Reaction in Supercritical Water
• High Utility of Electro- and Cold-Spray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectra in Development of Functional Metalloenzyme Models: Detection of Labile Metal Complexes and Reactive Intermediates
• Failure Analysis of Cu/Low-k Interconnects Using Electron Beam Absorbed Current Images
• New Development of DOSY-NMR – Application to Structure Elucidation of Unstable Intermediates
• Auger Analyses Using Low Angle Incident Electrons
• Examination of Analytical Conditions for Trace Elements Based on the Detection Limit of EPMA (WDS)
• Introduction of New Products: Electron Microscope JEM-1400, Thermal FE SEM JSM-7001F, High-Performance Compact SEM JCM-5700, FT NMR System System JNM-ECS Series, AccutoTOF TLC JMS-T100TD
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2007, Vol. 42, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2006, Vol. 41, N°1
• The Aberration corrected JEOL JEM-2200FS FEG-STEM/TEM Fitted with an Ω Electron Energy-Filter: Performance Characterization and Selected Applications
• Applications of Aberration Corrected Transmission Electron Microscopy to Materials Science
• Visualization of Biological Nano-Machines at Subnanometer Resolutions
• Intracellular Transport and Kinesin Superfamily Proteins, KIFs: Genes, Structure, Dynamics, Functions and Diseases
• Ultrahigh Pressure Earth Science: Applications of TEM and FIB Techniques for Study of Core-Mantle Boundary Region of Earth
• Method of Automatic Characterization of Inclusion Population by a SEM-FEG/EDS/ Image Analysis System
• Direct Observation of Biomolecular Complexes by Cold-Spray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
• Methods of Evaluating Activity of Photocatalytic Materials Using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy
• Auger Analysis of Cross Sections Prepared by Cross Section Polisher
• Development of a New Environmental Scanning Probe Microscope: JSPM-5400
• Introduction of New Products: Field Emission Electron Microscope JEM-3100F, Electron Microscope JEM-1400, Ultra High Resolution FE SEM JSM-7500F/JSM-7500FA, Ultra High Resolution FE SEM JSM-6701F, High-Performance General-Purpose SEM with a large specimen chamber JSM-6490 series, High-Performance General-purpose SEM JSM-6390 series, High-Performance Single-Beam FIB with a large ion-beam current JEM-9320FIB, Electron Beam Lithography System JBX-6300FS
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2006, Vol. 41, N°1
JEOL NEWS, July 2005, Vol. 40, N°1
• Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Biological Macromolecular Complexes Using Cryoelectron Microscopy on Frozen-Hydrated Samples
• Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART™) Mass Spectrometry
• High Energy Backscattered Electron Imaging of Subsurface Cu Interconnects
• Recent Development of TEM for Advanced Ceramics
• Advanced Analysis Technology Supporting SiP
• FT NMR New Technical Introduction: Introduction of Fully Automatic NMR Measurement Tool « GORIN » for Protein Solution
• FT NMR New Technical Introduction: 100 Sample Auto Sample Changer and Tubeless NMR
• FT NMR New Technical Introduction: Latest Information and Future for ALICE2 Software – Application for metabonomics
• FT NMR New Technical Introduction: Windows Delta
• Features and Applications of Newly-Developed GC-TOFMS « The AccuTOF GC »
• Development of Ion Slicer (Thin-Film Specimen Preparation Equipment)
• Introduction of Wafer Edge SEM Review
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, July 2005, Vol. 40, N°1
JEOL NEWS, 2004, Vol. 39, N°2
• TEM Study of Water in Carbon Nanotubes
• A Study of Metal Nanowire Structures by High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy
• Introduction of JWS-2000 Review SEM
• Grazing-Exit Electron Probe Microanalysis (GE-EPMA)
• Fullerenes and Carbon Nanotubes: Nanocarbon Assuming a Leading Role in the 21st Century
> Télécharger JEOL NEWS, 2004, Vol. 39, N°2
JEOL NEWS, July 2004, Vol. 39, N°1
• A Double Aberration Corrected, Energy Filtered HREM/STEM
• Variable Magnification of Electron Holography for Junction Profiling of Semiconductor Devices with Dual Lens System on JEOL JEM-2010F
• The Electron Backscatter Diffraction Technique – A Powerful Tool to Study Microstructures by SEM
• Growth and Encystment of the Ciliate Tetrahymena sp. Found in a Dead Mosquito’s Larva
• ALCHEMI Studies on Quasicrystals
• Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy in Food Radiation Research
• Cross Section Specimen Preparation Device Using Argon Ion Beam for SEM – Cross Section Polisher (CP) SM-09010
• Introduction of new products: Electron microscope JEM-2100, Spherical aberration correctors for STEM and TEM EM-20900CSS EM-20910CST, TEM Tomograph system EM-05500TGP, Energy-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometer JSX-3000, The ultimate ultra high resolution FE SEM JSM-7700F, Untra high resolution FE SEM at extreme low voltages JSM-7401F, High performance general-purpose SEMs with a large specimen JSM-6480 series, High performance general-purpose scanning electron miscroscopes JSM-6380 series
Biologie – Biology
Volume EM ~ Techniques d’acquisition et de reconstruction 3D des échantillons
Techniques d’observation et d’analyse de la structure d’un échantillon qui fait appel à la reconstruction 3D à partir d’images de microscopie électronique : array tomography, Serial Block Face, FIB 3D et tomographie en MET.
> lire
Structure analysis of unknown compound in oyster using HS-SPME-GC-TOFMS
Oysters are a shellfish that are eaten all over the world because of their rich flavor and delicious texture. Oysters have a unique odor, and previous study has revealed that this odor comes from (Z)-1,5-Octadien-3-ol. 1,5-Octadien-3-ol is an “unknown compound” that is not registered in the NIST DB. In this case, the molecular formula of even an
unknown compounds can be determined by using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOFMS) as a mass spectrometer and performing an « integrated analysis » that combines electron ionization and soft ionization. Furthermore, by using automated structure analysis software named“msFineAnalysis AI” which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict EI mass spectra from chemical structures, it is possible to estimate the structural formula.
Therefore, in this MSTips, we used msFineAnalysis AI to analyze the unregistered compound « 1,5-Octadien-3-ol » in the DB, and confirmed the accuracy with which the corresponding structure could be obtained.
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Cryo Note, une synthèse des différentes techniques de préparation cryo
« Visualize the truth » is a hope of researchers who use various measuring equipments. Researchers who use electron microscopes as well have a desire to observe the real structure. One recommended solution is to cool the specimen, that is « Cryo’ techniques. This Cryo Note introduces some of the diversified cryo-techniques.
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Easy cryo-SEM
The technique can be thought of as ‘easy cryo-SEM’ and is a simple and cost effective means of looking at fully hydrated materials or other electron beam and vacuum sensitive samples.
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Difference of observation result by cooling method – whipcream (frozen)
In this application note, we will introduce the observation results of whip cream which is easily impacted by the heat, by using three kinds of methods of different cooling temperatures : 1. cooling stage, 2. LV cooling holder, and 3. LV cryo SEM method.
> télécharger
Yokogushi : TEM & NMR combine technique for full crystaline structure
Crystalline structure including hydrogen atoms are now available from nano- to micro-crystals of 100 nm to 1 μm using electron and NMR nano-crystallography approach. The overall crystalline structures can be determined by electron diffraction (ED) which is one of the observation mode of transmission electron microscope (TEM).
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JEOL Gatan 3View® Serial Block Face Imaging System
3View Serial Block Face Imaging of Synapse using JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope. Courtesy of Professor Deniz Kirik and Lina Gefors, Bioimaging Center, Medical Faculty, Lund University, Sweden.
> voir la vidéo
SEM-Correlative Microscopy_Photomontage_SEM Supporter
EM Supporter software automates SEM image collection, creation of a photo montage and image analysis*. Initial navigation and set up can be accomplished from any image (optical microscope, digital camera, SEM image) enabling correlative microscopy. Recipes can be created for moving to specific locations on a multiple sample set for collection of individual images or creating a grid for photo montage collection.
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SEM-STEM detector
STEM-in-SEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy in an SEM) has become a popular technique for biologists, polymer scientists and materials scientists for its ease of use, cost effectiveness and high resolution. It is especially suited to investigating the internal structure of thin film (100-200nm) samples as well as size and shape of submicron to nanometer particles.
> télécharger
SEM – Aqua Cover tecnique for direct observation of water containing sample
Direct observation of water containing specimens as they are with ordinary SEMs is one of the long desired goals of SEM. We have succeeded to observe a water droplet with a newly developed technique, Aqua Cover technique, with a commercial SEM, JSM-IT300LV. Aqua Cover, as you will see, can easily be extended to observe any water containing specimen.
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Food analysis solutions application note
Four demands have developed in the food product field for highly accurate, objective evaluation technologies to analyze aspects such as nutritional components, flavors and tastes, texture, and antioxidation functions.
JEOL offers numerous analytical tools to support both “food safety & security” as well as various evaluations of primary, secondary and tertiary functions of foodstuffs which are useful for a wide range of users associated with this field.
This Foodnote introduces the features of each of the instruments and actual analysis examples, and is designed for researchers and engineers who are considering purchases of instruments. This brochure also presents comprehensive evaluations and analysis solutions that can be achieved with combinations of multiple instruments.
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Instrumental analysis has contributed to the progress of biological science, through the observation of morphology, the chemical analysis of compounds, the elucidation of amino acid sequences of proteins, etc. Furthermore, this progress has been accelerated by the development of analytical methods, which are used in diverse fields like medical science, agriculture, food and biotechnology, as well as the basic research work like physiology, biochemistry and genetics.
This Bionote presents an overview of the basics, namely principles and features of various instruments, as well as application examples using numerous optional attachments. We hope that the Bionote will assist researchers and engineers who intend to perform analyses in finding and exploring new approaches.
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Science des matériaux – Materials science
Electrostatic dose modulation improves lifespan of beam-sensitive specimens for advanced electron crystallography techniques
Introduction and Background – Objectives – Techniques
Electrostatic dose modulation
Experimental: crystalline glycine
Experimental: π-peptides
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NEW : Application of Nanoprobing and Electrical Failure Analysis
Product used: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
The nanoprobing system, equipped with microscopic probes that directly contact the circuitry of semiconductor devices within the specimen chamber of a scanning electron microscope (SEM), is utilized for evaluating semiconductor devices, identifying failure locations, and determining the causes of these failures. By probing the electrodes of a transistor in a semiconductor device, the IV characteristics of the transistor can be evaluated. Additionally, an EBIC (Electron Beam Induced Current) image can be acquired to visualize the positions of depletion regions at the pn junctions of a semiconductor device. Furthermore, an EBAC (Electron Beam Absorption Current) image, which shows the current flowing through the wiring, can be obtained while probing the wiring in the semiconductor device, enabling the visualization of shorts and opens in the wiring. In these analyses, it is crucial to set the appropriate accelerating voltage.
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LIBnote : Lithium ion battery basic structure and fabrication process
The applications for lithium ion batteries (LIB) cover a wide range, from power sources for personal computers and mobile devices to automobiles, and there is always a demand for even better performance and safety. In order to ensure the performance and quality of LIB, analysis and evaluation using high-performance assessment systems is necessary. JEOL offers a full line-up of equipment to support the development of new LIB technologies and to improve product quality, including instruments for morphology observation and surface analysis, chemical analysis systems to perform structural analysis on a molecular level, as well as fabrication systems to create high-performance coatings and powders. This LIB note offers solutions for researchers and engineers who are looking for the best equipment for their application.
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Improvement of SEM-SXES analysis for beam sensitive materials by using cooling stage
Soft X-Ray Emission Spectrometer (SXES), which can be installed on SEM and EPMA (Electron probe microanalyzer), is a useful method for chemical state analysis by detecting the energy state of valence electrons. In particular, since SXES can detect low-energy characteristic X-rays such as lithium (Li) K-line and analyze the chemical state, it is expected to be a chemical state analysis method of Lithium Ion secondary Battery (LIB) materials in a charged state. Field Emission- SEM equipped with SXES enables us to obtain chemical state information in the vicinity of the bulk top surface by low-kV analysis. However, it is known that the irradiation of an electron beam causes a change in the chemical state of the beam- sensitive materials such as lithium compounds during the observation.
This study shows the improvement of chemical state analysis for beam-sensitive materials using the SEM-SXES system with a cooling stage.
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Soft X-ray Emission Spectroscopy for EPMA/SEM application
Study case : chemical state mapping of degraded B4C control rod
This study shows that SXES have an excellent energy and spatial resolution for boron, despite the fact it is an element with a very low atomic number : two different chemical states are clearly identified (pure B4C and three different oxides) at a very high resolution spatial distribution.
> télécharger le poster sur l’étude du bore avec le détecteur SXES
Battery cells are essential in modern life as they are extensively used in mobile phones, personal computers, and even as the power source of some automobiles in recent years. In addition, the research and development of rechargeable batteries has become increasingly important in the endeavor to realize a low-carbon society.
The demand for fuel cells as hydrogen-based generators is also expected to grow, as fuel cells have already been widely applied to household equipment and automobiles.
JEOL believes that analyses and evaluations by using various high-performance evaluation instruments are required to improve both the performance and quality of these battery cells.
JEOL offers a wide variety of analytical instruments available for morphological observations, surface analyses, structure analyses, and chemical analyses at micro- to nano-scales for the purposes of research, development, and quality improvement.
This Battery Note has been created to provide solutions and reference information for research and development activities focused on lithium ion batteries (LIBs).
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Poster SXES sur la détection du lithium
Three samples of a lithium-ion battery anode with different charging conditions are analyzed with SXES: 0 % (A), 30 % (B) and 100 % (C).
→ 3 maps constructed in 3 energy ranges corresponding to satellite of Li-K, Li-K and C-K.
Imaging and Analyzing Graphene Layers
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Magnetic Material Analysis Using the Super Hybrid Lens (SHL)
The SHL is a newly designed objective lens for high-resolution observation at low accelerating voltages. Unlike the semi-in lens SEM, with a large electromagnetic field below the lens, which was widely used for high-resolution, low kV observation, the SHL achieves high resolution by superimposing a magnetic field onto the electrostatic field to suppress magnetic field leakage.
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Applications of Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction in FE-SEM
Natasha Erdman and Masateru Shibata
Recent developments in SEM column design have led to the ability to produce nanometer spot sizes even at high probe currents [1], thus pushing the analytical techniques available in the SEM to conduct microanalysis with ultra-high spatial resolution.
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TEM-HAADF – Quantification du contraste HAADF
A procedure that produces sub-nanometrically resolved chemical mappings of MOCVD-grown
InGaAs/InAlAs/InP quantum cascade lasers is presented. The chemical mappings reveal that, although the structure is lattice-matched to InP, the InAlAs barriers do not attain the nominal aluminum content—48%—and are, in fact, InGaAlAs quaternaries. This information is used to adjust the aluminum precursor flow and fine-tune the composition of the barriers, resulting in a significant improvement of the fabricated lasers.
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YOKOGUSHI – Study of a gold star mothers stamp
Experimental : A Gold Star Mothers Stamp from 1948 has a lead chromate pigment that we analyzed via: the JSM-IT300LV with an EDS spectrometer, the JMS-T100LP “AccuTOF DART” and the JMS-S3000 “SpiralTOF”.
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SEM – Extreme Low Voltage Imaging with JEOL FE-SEMs
The current lineup of JEOL FE-SEMs offers a cutting edge Through-The-Lens (TTL) electron column design that minimizes effects of chromatic and spherical aberrations on the ultimate probe size (improved resolution). This novel electron column design also features a TTL detector with an energy filter combined with a precise control of the landing energy of the primary electron beam (beam deceleration via Gentle Beam function), which has created new opportunities for specimen observation.
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SEM – Energy Filter-UED
JEOL’s in column Upper Electron Detector (Through The Lens Detector) provides not only ultra-high resolution imaging but also includes a user selectable energy filter allowing the user to study a sample under different contrast mechanisms.
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TEM – TEM sample holder for Lithium or air sensitive sample study
The lithium analysis by TEM requires to keep the sample under neutral atmosphere preventing its oxidation. For this purpose, JEOL has developed a special TEM sample holder.
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SEM – 3D Image software
JEOL’s Three Dimensional Image Software is a program that uses stereo pair SEM images to construct a three dimensional (3D) image of the sample surface. From this 3D image, height and contour maps can be created to provide cross sectional shape and height data.
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MS SpiralTOF – TOF Synthetic Polymer Structure Analysis PPG
In this work, we analyzed Polypropylene Glycol (PPG) by using the JMS-S3000 SpiralTOF with the TOF-TOF option. The resulting high-energy CID data was then processed using the Polymerix™ (Sierra Analytics, Inc., analysis software.
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SEM – What is the magnification ?
Magnification can be a very deceptive number on SEM micrographs. As we all know, magnification is defined as the ratio of the size of the rastered area on the sample to the size of the rastered area of the output.
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JSX-JXA – Analyse by X ray fluorescence and microprobe of cracks in brass piping parts
In order to understand the cause and minimize the recurrence of a product malfunction, it is necessary to pursue defects at an early stage. An X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (ED-XRF) can provide fast, non-destructive elemental analysis for any sample state such as solid, liquid, or powder. It can be utilized as a quick screening instrument to track down the source of problems.
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Géologie – Geology
Co-localized microscopy techniques for pyrite mineral spatial characterization
All SEM-BSE experiments were conducted using the SEM instrument, model JSM-IT800 from JEOL. All SEM-EDS experiments were conducted by using the SEM instrument from JEOL, equipped with EDS add-on detector. Soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy (SXES) is a complementary SEM technique developed by JEOL using high spectral resolution grating and a CCD detector for X-Rays, allowing to differentiate various phases of elements, such like iron alpha and beta phases (in this study) at the nanoscale. All SEM-SXES experiments were conducted by using the SEM IT800 instrument from JEOL, equipped with SXES add-on detector. All SEM-CL experiments were conducted by using the SEM instrument from JEOL, equipped with the HORIBA F-CLUE add-on detector.
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High-resolution spatial distribution of chemical composition on a pyrite surrounded by oxide / hydroxide phases
In this study, a geological thin section of a meta-arkose in a serpentinite was
chosen. Within the meta-arkose rock is a pyrite surrounded by different mineral phases that appear to have variable chemical composition. This area was therefore selected for the identification and distribution of the different elemental assemblages.
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Natasha Erdman and Nicholas Drenzek, 2013, Integrated preparation and imaging techniques for the microstructural and geochemical characterization of shale by scanning electron microscopy, in W. Camp, E. Diaz, and B. Wawak, eds., Electron microscopy of shale hydrocarbon reservoirs: AAPG Memoir 102, p. 7–14.
To better understand the influence of microscale geochemical and microstructural relationships on the bulk petrophysical properties of unconventional shale systems, core samples from four producing North American formations were cross-sectioned with an argon ion polisher and imaged with a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) using a variety of complementary detectors. We demonstrate distinct advantages of the ion-polishing technique for the preservation of the internal shale structure. Moreover, we show how such preparation affords a wider choice of imaging options for both chemical and structural characterization, such as backscatter electron observation at varying beam potentials coupled with x-ray and cathodoluminescence spectroscopic techniques.
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Meteorite application with SEM
Meteorite with EPMA
Microbeam and x-ray analysis of minerals, water analysis, stable isotope analysis, and age-dating in labs at UNM.
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JEOL’s MonaziteAge program follows the dating procedure outlined originally by Suzuki and Adachi (1991, 1994), and Suzuki and others (1994). It can be used with both Th-rich phases and more U- rich phases, such as zircon or xenotime. It allows the user to calculate the age of a monazite grain from a single analytical point or from a set of analyses. When multiple analyses are used to determine a single age, the method will correct for non-radiogenic lead or for lead leaching that may have taken place. When creating age maps, the method uses the same procedure as that for a single analysis, but applies it to each pixel.
> télécharger la note d’application
JXA-Trace element mapping
Backscatterred electron images of monazite, WDS trace element mapping.
> télécharger les images et la cartographie
AZtecMineral is a powerful, automated, Mineral Liberation Analysis solution. It enables ore characterisation, provides vital data on metal recovery and enables process yield characterisation using multipurpose SEMs. It is also a valuable tool for the characterisation of rocks in research environments, enabling the automation of otherwise laborious optical analyses.
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Chimie – Chemistry
NOUVELLE NOTE D’APPLICATION DISPONIBLE : End group analysis of poly (methyl methacrylate)
Mass spectrometry can be used to analyse synthetic polymers, providing a variety of information, such as the main chain structure, end group structure, and molecular weight distribution (average molecular weight, polydispersity). Analysis of end group structure is particularly important for the following reasons.
- The physical properties of polymer materials can charge depending on the end groups, even though they are relatively small part of the whole polymer molecules.
- End group structure might change (or degrade) due to environmental exposures.
- End group structure can provide insight into the polymerization mechanism.
In this report, we performed structural analysis of the end groups of poly(methyl methacrylate) by using MALDI-TOFMS and pyrolysis GC-TOFMS in a complementary manner.
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Polymers note. Characterization of Polymers by JEOL Solutions
Polymers are used in a wide range of fields such as food wrapping materials, medicine packing, and industrial materials and products. Properties and functionalities of polymer materials are dependent on various factors, including molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, molecular chemical structures (primary structures), morphology of molecular chains (secondary structures) depending on the spinning angles of chemical bonds, and crystalline or non-crystalline structures of inner-molecules and inter-molecules, as well as spherulite structure aggregates, phase separation structures and orientations (higher-order structures). It is of prime importance to analyze and evaluate the structures and properties of polymers as well as the correlation between these two factors, and to feed these analysis and evaluation results to the development and manufacturing sites for the enhancement of the performance and quality control of polymer materials and polymer products. On the other hand, industry in Japan is supported by functional molecules, which are becoming more advanced and more complicated. This makes it more difficult to characterize such polymers, thereby increasing the importance of multiple analyses that combine a variety of analytical methods. This Polymer note introduces a broad range of instruments used for polymer analysis and their applications.
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Yokogushi : TEM & NMR combine technique for full crystaline structure
Crystalline structure including hydrogen atoms are now available from nano- to micro-crystals of 100 nm to 1 μm using electron and NMR nano-crystallography approach. The overall crystalline structures can be determined by electron diffraction (ED) which is one of the observation mode of transmission electron microscope (TEM).
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Direct analysis of a methanol flame by using a compact high-resolution multi-turn mass spectrometer
The InfiTOF can be used for “In-situ” high-resolution monitoring of real-time gas phase reactions like combustion. In this work, we show the real-time monitoring of combustion products in a diffuse methanol flame by using this compact high resolution TOF-MS system.
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Analysis of a gas mixture containing ammonia and methane by using a compact high-resolution multi-turn mass spectrometer
Analysis of a chemical ionization reagent gas consisting of a 5% mixture of ammonia in methane is demonstrated by using the JEOL InfiTOFTM compact high-resolution mass spectrometer.
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Real time monitoring for gas phase h/d exchange reaction in H2O and D2O by using a compact high-resolution multi-turn mass spectrometer
The InfiTOF is suitable for real time gas reaction monitoring. In this report, we showed real time monitoring for H/D exchange reaction of light water (H2O) and heavy water (D2O) which is one of the simplest chemical reaction.
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YOKOGUSHI-Study of a gold star mothers stamp
In this applications note, we performed an analysis of a Gold Star Mothers Postage Stamp by using three JEOL instruments. We used the JSM-IT300LV, the JMS-T100LP « AccuTOF-DART » and the JMS-S3000 « SpiralTOF ».
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MS SpiralTOF MALDI for small molecule analysis : A complex drug mixture
This is shown here for the high-resolution analysis of a mixture of 32 small-molecule drugs analyzed by MALDI with the JEOL SpiralTOF mass spectrometer.
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MS SpiralTOF-TOF Synthetic Polymer Structure Anlaysis PPG
In this work, we analyzed Polypropylene Glycol (PPG) by using the JMS-S3000 SpiralTOF with the TOF-TOF option.
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NMR Single-Tuned 4 mm Cryocoil MAS Probe
A tunable single-tuned 4 mm Cryocoil MAS probe was developed, and demonstrated for 6Li and 29Si under 14.1 T WB magnet.
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True area STEM imaging with reduced beam damage
True Area STEM (TAS) imaging technology with Electrostatic Dose Modulator (EDM) Synchrony* can reduce specimen damage during STEM imaging. EDM Synchrony is integrated with the JEOL STEM system to make a complete flyback blanking solution.
> Télécharger la note d’application
Imagerie STEM pour échantillons sensibles au faisceau d’électrons : application aux zéolithes
Zeolites are sensitive to electron beam irradiation, making them very challenging samples for high-resolution imaging with a transmission electron microscope. The above STEM image of zeolite was obtained by significantly reducing electron beam damage using an Electron Dose Modulator and an Event-based Modulation System (TEMPO) from IDES, Inc. and turboTEM.
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WDS application data
Notre nouvelle brochure sur le WDS vient de paraître, venez découvrir nos dernières applications :
- Sword of Samurai
- High temperature corrosion of boiler pipe
- Seawater immersed and deteriorated concrete
- Intermetallic compounds at Soldering
- Sensitization analysis of stainless steel
- Stainless steel identification
- Fine Fe catalyst for CNT production
- The world of Geology
- The difference between FE and LaB6 / W electron-gun
Reconstruction en tomographie 3D de nanoparticules cœur/coquille avec le logiciel TEMography™
Merci à Erwan Oliviero pour le partage de ses résultats acquis avec un MET JEM-2200FS et le logiciel TEMography™. L’échantillon est composé de nanoparticules hybrides développées en vue d’applications en santé relevant de l’oncologie ou de dispositifs antibactériens. En oncologie, le projet porte essentiellement sur l’utilisation de nanostructures de silicium poreux pour des applications en bio-imagerie et thérapie guidée.
Event-responsive scanning transmission electron microscopy
Cet article met en lumière le système TEMPO et ses applications.
La microscopie électronique en transmission est toujours limitée par les dommages causés par les électrons à haute énergie qui interagissent avec l’échantillon. En reconsidérant les principes fondamentaux de l’imagerie, nous démontrons une approche événementielle de la microscopie électronique qui fournit plus d’informations sur l’échantillon pour un courant de faisceau donné. Mesurer le temps nécessaire pour atteindre un seuil de comptage d’électrons plutôt que d’attendre un temps constant prédéfini améliore l’information obtenue par électron. Le microscope a été conçu pour réagir à ces événements en supprimant le faisceau, réduisant ainsi la dose totale nécessaire. Cette approche répartit automatiquement la dose pour obtenir un rapport signal/bruit donné dans chaque pixel, éliminant ainsi l’excès de dose associé à un rendement décroissant de l’information. Nous démontrons la large applicabilité de notre approche aux matériaux sensibles aux faisceaux par l’imagerie de tissus biologiques et de zéolites.
> Lire l’article Event-responsive scanning transmission electron microscopy | Science
Bringing atom probe tomography to transmission electron microscopes
L’équipe du GPM de Rouen a réalisé une étude sur l’intégration d’une sonde atomique dans un MET JEOL JEM-F200.
Cette étude présente le résultat tangible d’un effort instrumental visant à intégrer la tomographie par sonde atomique dans un microscope électronique en transmission JEOL JEM-F200. L’instrument qui en résulte démontre qu’il est possible de combiner les reconstructions 3D in situ des champs de composition avec l’analyse structurelle détaillée offerte par la microscopie électronique en transmission. Cette étude montre une approche prometteuse pour faire converger ces deux importantes techniques de microscopie à l’échelle nanométrique.
> Lire l’article Bringing atom probe tomography to transmission electron microscopes | Nature Communication
What conductive coating is the best for you ?
SEM-TTL System-New approach for reduction of the effects of lens aberrations
Imaging of nanostructured materials requires a new design of SEM that provides ultimate resolution for both imaging and microanalysis, combined with the ability to image any type of material. An innovative new SEM column design from JEOL Ltd. utilizes a hybrid lens (combination electrostatic and electromagnetic lenses) in conjunction with a Through-The-Lens (TTL) detection system to provide the user with ultimate imaging and analytical performance.
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SEM- Extreme Low Voltage Imaging with JEOL FE-SEMs
Low voltage imaging has become a key technique for charge control and reduction, especially in the cases where no surface modification (for example conductive coating) can be employed to alleviate specimen charging during SEM observation.
The current lineup of JEOL FE-SEMs offers a cutting edge Through-The-Lens (TTL) electron column design that minimizes effects of chromatic and spherical aberrations on the ultimate probe size (improved resolution).
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SEM- CD Energy Filter-UED
JEOL’s in column Upper Electron Detector (Through The Lens Detector) provides not only ultra-high resolution imaging but also includes a user selectable energy filter allowing the user to study a sample under different contrast mechanisms.
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JEOL’s Smart Coater is a fully automated sputter coater that applies a fine grained gold or platinum coating on samples for imaging in a scanning electron microscope.
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NEW : LIBnote : Lithium ion battery basic structure and fabrication process
The applications for lithium ion batteries (LIB) cover a wide range, from power sources for personal computers and mobile devices to automobiles, and there is always a demand for even better performance and safety. In order to ensure the performance and quality of LIB, analysis and evaluation using high-performance assessment systems is necessary. JEOL offers a full line-up of equipment to support the development of new LIB technologies and to improve product quality, including instruments for morphology observation and surface analysis, chemical analysis systems to perform structural analysis on a molecular level, as well as fabrication systems to create high-performance coatings and powders. This LIB note offers solutions for researchers and engineers who are looking for the best equipment for their application.
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Battery Analysis SEM : In situ charging / discharging Analysis system for LIBs
Chemical state analysis of Li and Si for Si negative electrode of solid-state lithium ion battery by using combination of windowless EDS and SXES on a SEM
Silicon (Si) negative electrode material has problems such as volume expansion and decrease of charging efficiency during charging-discharging, but it has a large theoretical capacitance of 4200 mAh/g, and is attracting attention as a new material for Lithium (Li) ion secondary battery (LIB) to replace graphite which is widely used. Therefore, a chemical state analysis method using soft X-ray emission spectroscopy (SXES) has been reported for the purpose of structural analysis of the Si negative electrode active material in the charged state. However, since elemental mapping by SXES takes at least a few hours of processing time, it is not easy to compare the chemical state of each Si particle across the entire negative electrode layer. In this study, we combined a newly designed windowless EDS and SXES, and tried to establish a simple method to analyze the chemical state of Si negative electrodes in charged states.
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Battery note
Battery cells are essential in modern life as they are extensively used in mobile phones, personal computers, and even as the power source of some automobiles in recent years. In addition, the research and development of rechargeable batteries has become increasingly important in the endeavor to realize a low-carbon society.
The demand for fuel cells as hydrogen-based generators is also expected to grow, as fuel cells have already been widely applied to household equipment and automobiles.
JEOL believes that analyses and evaluations by using various high-performance evaluation instruments are required to improve both the performance and quality of these battery cells.
JEOL offers a wide variety of analytical instruments available for morphological observations, surface analyses, structure analyses, and chemical analyses at micro- to nano-scales for the purposes of research, development, and quality improvement.
This Battery Note has been created to provide solutions and reference information for research and development activities focused on lithium ion batteries (LIBs).
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Solid-state battery note
The shift to battery vehicles (BEV) is rapidly advancing worldwide in order to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 which is to “reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions to zero ». The research and development on rechargeable battery cells that can be used repeatedly, are progressing for the use of power source of BEV and larger energy storage system (ESS). To improve both the performance and quality of these battery cells, analyses and evaluations by using various high-performance evaluation instruments are required. JEOL offers a wide variety of analytical instruments available for morphological observations, surface analyses, structure analyses, and chemical analyses at micro- to nano-scales for the purpose of research, development, and quality improvement.
This Solid-state battery Note has been created with the samples provided by Prof. Atsunori Matsuda, Toyohashi University of Technology (Department of Electrical and Electronic Information Engineering), to provide solutions and reference information for research and development of solid-state batteries evolving from the lithium ion batteries (LIBs).
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Cleanliness inspection of automotive lithium-ion batteries manufacture
For system components which cannot be cleaned after assembly, cleanliness inspection using VDA 19 part 2 (VDA19.2) is recommended. This guideline for Technical Cleanliness in assembly is designed to help protect against the entry of critical contamination via the environment during production. In automotive LIB assembly areas, the inspection of the manufacturing environment to comply with VDA19.2 should be applied.
JEOL’s Particle Contamination Inspection System (PCI System) can determine critical particulate contamination in LIB assembly areas for ensuring VDA 19.2 compliance. PCI System enables an easy daily routine for Cleanliness Inspection.
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